In Memory of





Condolence From: Steveo cummimgs
Condolence: Sorry for your loss. Will be touring west Canada with my children. Julianne 11 and her bros kyle age 8 end of July first half Aug. Would love to see you both. Again sorry for your loss. STevo E a
Wednesday September 26, 2018
Condolence From: Joyce Dirk
Condolence: Rick and Rocky (Nora) I was saddened to hear of the passing of Aunt Rose. We used to enjoy visiting her when we went to Aunt Rose's cabin at Loon Lake. She was always welcoming to me and my children, and on my first visit to her, she pulled a china cup and saucer out of a cupboard. It had my birthday, February, imprinted on it, and she said she'd been saving it for me for years, until I visited her. Such a lovely memory. So sorry I never traveled back to visit her in her last few years. I know she always spoke of her two boys, with the deepest affection. May your memories of her always make you smile.
Saturday April 22, 2017
Condolence From: Garry Dirk
Condolence: Rick and Rocky, we were so sorry to hear of the passing of Aunt Rose. She left many fond memories with us and we will miss her so much. Sincere condolences. Garry and Donna Dirk
Saturday April 22, 2017
Condolence From: Holly Dirk-Layport Bakersfield, California
Condolence: Rick and Rocky...Wishing you peace and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. Going to Edmonton as a child was always an exciting event as we knew we would be visiting with Aunt Rose and Dolly. Their dynamic personalities left a huge impression on a young mind. Your mom will always be in the hearts of her many nephews and nieces.
Friday April 21, 2017
Condolence From: Teresa Jones
Condolence: Sweet Grandma Rose you will be missed. You have been a part of our lives for over twenty years, and coming to Meadow Lake will not be the same without visiting you. Rocky and Rick your mom was a part of our family, and we will miss her dearly. We are sitting around mom and dad's fire pit (Ernie and Ruby Magiera) and I can picture her here with us just smiling and so happy to be a part of our gatherings.
Friday April 21, 2017
Condolence From: Glen Dirk
Condolence: My thoughts and condolences to you Rick and Rocky. I know the years have passed and we have all aged but the sadness is the same. Your mother, my Aunt Rose was very special, her sense of humour and spirit to enjoy the day was her greatest gift. Sad that more time wasn't spent visiting as families. The last of the Dirk family as (Parent, Aunt, Uncle)has now all left us. Sad when I look back to the tough homestead life, more a fight for survival with hope being the only thing all had to look forward to with now all having moved on. A family now gone forever. Again my thoughts and condolences. Glen
Friday April 21, 2017
Condolence From: Dianne Sonntag, Barry MILNE
Condolence: Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. She must have been an amazing women because so many folks used her as an example of a hard workin, generous & kind person.. So take care & cherish the many wonderful memories you must have. God Bless.
Friday April 21, 2017